Life in our Sixth Form

The Regis School Sixth Form

The Regis School is an inclusive Sixth Form offering a wide range both A-Level and BTEC courses. There are also opportunities for development through various enrichment activities, such as sports leadership, peer mentoring, student voice and Duke of Edinburgh. Students will enjoy further benefits of dedicated facilities in our new school, specialist A-Level teachers and smaller average class sizes than at college.

Why choose our Sixth Form?

  • Excellent academic outcomes.
  • A range of academic and vocational courses.
  • Specialist A-level teachers on every subject.
  • Small class sizes.
  • Dedicated Sixth Form study spaces.
  • One to one University guidance and support.
  • A large range of enrichment opportunities.

Our expectations

The Regis School offers a friendly and caring environment that is designed to help you succeed. Being an independent learner is vital for success in level three qualifications and we support you to develop these skills throughout your time in Sixth Form. Our expectations are high with regards to attendance, punctuality and dress. We aim to help you realise your potential through encouraging self-discipline and self-motivation. The Head of Sixth Form, the Sixth Form Administrator; the Sixth Form learning mentor and the tutor team are always ready to offer help, encouragement and support. All of our students are regularly reported on to ensure that academic progress is monitored by teachers, tutors and the Head of Sixth Form, and support is put in place when it is required.

Sixth Form Facilities

Our Sixth Form has its spaces, including two silent study spaces and a work room. We also have our own café which is exclusively for Sixth Form students and staff. There is a study room which  is equipped with 30 computers and laptops available for use, this is a silent working area. There are tables available for group work and discussion in the common room. As a member of the Sixth Form you have privileged access to computer rooms, the Library and the Arena.

Sixth Form Student Union

We expect the Sixth Form Student Union to become a lively and vibrant group that has a clearly defined structure and plays an important role in the life of the whole school. The Student Union is responsible for organising many events, here are a few of the exciting events organised this year:

  • Non Uniform Days
  • Charity Events
  • Christmas Party
  • Film Night
  • Summer Ball

Be ready to get involved the Sixth Form works best when everybody takes an interest and plays their part. The more you put in to something, the more you get out.

Parent Contact

Parents are kept informed of progress through Parent and Tutor Evening, Target Setting and Review Days, Interim and Full reports and formal Parents Evenings and informally by contact with the Head of Sixth,the Tutor Team and the Sixth Form Administrator who welcomes enquiries.


Sixth Form students have access to our Careers Advisor, who is in school every day, they can make an appointment to discuss job or apprenticeship opportunites. If you need help in looking for a job, or going to University between us we endeavour to provide you with all the help and advice that you will need.

Making The Right Choice

You are making a very important decision so think carefully and read the information in the prospectus carefully, consider all your options and I am convinced that you will see that The Regis School has something to offer you.

Subjects in the Sixth Form are offered at Level 3

Level 3 subjects include A Levels, Applied Learning (Vocational) A Levels or BTEC subjects at A Level standard. They are 2 year courses and are suitable for you if you have gained more than five grade 9 to 4 at GCSE. You will also need an absolute minimum of a grade 4, or more often a grade 6 at GCSE if you wish to study that subject at A Level. If you are studying at Level 3, you will be asked to choose 3 subjects to study.

The Applied Learning Offer

The key difference between A Levels and Applied Learning courses is that the Applied Learning courses are very much coursework based, though to involve exams.

Examples of Applied Learning Courses are:

BTEC National Diploma - These courses are equivalent to three A Levels, taken over 2 years. They attract the same University points as A Levels and are a good route to University or employment. There is an element of work experience in some subjects. These courses are purely coursework based and do not have examinations.

BTEC National Certificate -   These courses are equivalent to two A Levels, taken over 2 years. They attract the same University points as A Levels and are a good route to University or employment. There is an element of work experience in some subjects. These courses are purely coursework based and do not have examinations.

Typical progression routes through The Regis School Sixth Form

Your progression through the Sixth Form depends on your needs, abilities and determination.  We will work with you to ensure the route you choose allows you to progress at a speed that suits you.

If you achieve a minimum of five 9-4 grades at GCSE you will take 3 A Levels.  If you have mainly 9 and 8 grades, you may choose to study 4A Levels.

At The Regis School Sixth Form, you are expected to:

  • Attend all lessons, registration periods, assemblies and tutor periods.
  • Attend mentoring sessions every morning.
  • Arrive at all lessons on time.
  • Complete all work set by the given deadline.
  • Work to the best of your ability.
  • Respect the right of other students to learn in lessons and when using other school facilities.
  • Behave in a mature and responsible manner, recognising that you are a role model for students in Years 7 to 11.
  • Undertake not to engage in any paid work during School hours and recognise that working for more than 8 hours per week may have an impact on the time you can devote to your academic studies.
  • Abide by the Sixth Form Dress Code.
  • Agree to follow the rules on Behaviour, Attendance, and Respect for the School environment and Independent Study.
  • Use non-timetabled lesson times for private study
  • Agree not to arrange appointments or driving lessons in school time.
  • Accept that failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in the School implementing the Sixth Form Disciplinary Procedure.

We will ask parents/carers to:

Support their son or daughter through two/three demanding years of education, attending meetings about their progress whenever possible.

Support the school through the implementation of the Sixth Form Code of Conduct.

Notify the school of any absences by telephone or in writing (letter or e-mail) and to communicate any concerns or issues they might have as soon as possible.

As a School, we will:

  • Provide you with well planned, interesting and challenging lessons.
  • Set work regularly, mark and return it promptly providing guidance on how you can improve.
  • Ensure that appropriate work is set if a teacher is absent.
  • Ensure that you and your parents/carers receive regular information on the progress you are making.
  • Devise strategies to support students who are not making satisfactory progress.
  • Provide you with advice and guidance which will enable you to successfully apply for Higher/Further Education or Employment.
  • Provide you with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.



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