Exam Outcomes, DfE Performance Tables and Destinations

The information below sets out the key headlines for our 2023-24 results.

To view the DfE School Performance Tables click this link.

Exam Results 2023-24


Progress 8 score = +0.25* (DFE 2024 Unvalidated Results – Validated results to follow in Spring).

Attainment 8 score = 44.75

Basics 4+ = 69%

Basics 5+ = 52%

Percentage of students who entered the EBacc = 31%

Percentage of students who achieved the EBacc at 5+ = 16%


Level 3 (A levels and BTECs)

A Level ALPS grade: 7

BTEC ALPS grade: 4

A Level

Percentage of grades at A*-B = 48%

Percentage of grades at A*-C = 72%

Overall pass rate (A*-E) = 100%

Average grade: C+

BTEC/Applied General

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Distinction = 85%

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Merit = 100%

Overall pass rate (D*-P/A*-E) = 100%

Average grade: Distinction


Exam Results 2022-23


Progress 8 score = +0.02

Attainment 8 score = 44.23

Basics 4+ = 68%

Basics 5+ = 45%

Percentage of students who entered the EBacc = 34%

Percentage of students who achieved the EBacc at 5+ = 13%


Level 3 (A levels and BTECs)

A Level ALPS grade 6

BBTEC ALPS grade - 5

A Level

Percentage of grades at A*-B = 63%

Percentage of grades at A*-C = 81%

Overall pass rate (A*-E) = 99%

Average grade: B

BTEC/Applied General

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Distinction = 82%

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Merit = 99%

Percentage of grades A*-B = 41%

Percentage of grades A*-C = 83%

Overall pass rate (D*-P/A*-E) = 99%

Average grade: Distinction


Exam Results 2021-22


Progress 8 score = +0.53

Attainment 8 score = 47.15

Basics 4+ = 70%

Basics 5+ = 54%

Percentage of students who entered the EBacc = 41%

Percentage of students who achieved the EBacc at 5+ = 15%


Level 3 (A levels and BTECs)

ALPS grade 2

A Level

Percentage of grades at A*-B = 66.39%

Percentage of grades at A*-C = 88.24%

Overall pass rate (A*-E) = 100.0%

Average grade: B

BTEC/Applied General

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Distinction = 84%

Percentage of grades at Distinction* - Merit = 97%

Percentage of grades A*-B = 50%

Percentage of grades A*-C = 75%

Overall pass rate (D*-P/A*-E) = 100.0%

Average grade: Distinction+



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