tutor time curriculum intent at the regis school

The Regis School tutor programme aims to develop our student’s as responsible, respectful and active citizens. It develops our students’ character, so they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, and behave with integrity. The programme, tutor groups and year system ensure students develop confidenceresilience, and the tools they need to live a fulfilling and healthy life. The programme will ensure our students are ready to embark on their next steps with ambition and the skills required to succeed in exams, the world of work and further education. 

As a rights respecting school the tutor programme aims to keep the best interests of the student at its centre and proactively ensures every student has the chance to have their views taken seriously. This is achieved through the A Team student council, UL annual survey and the Aspirations survey. Students can practice and develop their social skills, consider British Valuesexplore and develop respect for different faiths and cultural diversity, celebrate diversity and value equality all within the safe space of the tutor group. 

The curriculum followed by tutor groups and in turn year groups creates a sense of ‘family’, ensuring all our students feel valued and have a sense of belonging. 

Curriculum implementation 

The tutor programme will be delivered by a dedicated team of tutors under the leadership of a Director of Year and Head of Year. We have specialist tutors in Y11, whilst the Y7-10 team rotate with their tutees creating a team ethos. The language of our own student designed Regis 10 is the foundation of the programme and each tutor session works towards developing at least one quality and personal trait promoted by our R10 (be respectful, actively listen, be welcoming, be positive, undertake service, be resilient, be creative, be independent, be kind and have belief). 

Students follow a programme that includes assemblies with an academic mentoring focus, where students are given the tools they need to reach their full academic potential as well as the skills they need for adult life. There are two reading sessions a week to support literacy development whole school. The formal line ups and roll call ensure our students are organised and ready to learn for the rest of the day.  

Students consider social, moral and cultural issues and the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) in weekly ‘Education With Character’ (EWC) sessions, as well as through assembly themes and through analysis of current affairs (In the News). In Y10 and 11 this content is delivered in PSHCE sessions which are taught in tutor time. The EWC resources are adapted from the Jubilee Centre for Character Education curriculum. Student health and wellbeing  is ensured through themed weeks and resources are written by the Head of Year (age appropriate and meet the localised context of a particular year group at a particular time). 

Themed weeks also give all students plentiful opportunities to engage in social action and service from planting crocus corms for our ‘Purple for Polio’ campaign, to raising awareness and food supplies for our annual food drive. Curriculum content delivered in tutor time ensures every student understands why they are fund raising for causes as diverse as UNICEF, to our local hospice. Our work in this area is considered best practice nationally (UNICEF RRS Gold School and iwill campaign case study school). Student engagement in our tutor programme is tracked through our student pledge


Our tutor programme ensures our students have all the skills to thrive academically and socially. They will be explicitly taught the attitude to learning traits we expect to see every day. The programme also helps develop our students’ ‘character’ so they can embrace future challenges and have the confidence and skills to thrive in the adult world, developing the personal attributes and skillset needed to be responsible, respectful and active citizens of the future

Mrs Caroline Saunders - Assistant Principal


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