Book events and clubs
Portsmouth Schools Library Service Literature Quiz
This annual literature quiz takes place at Chichester College in March with around 30 teams taking part from local schools. Students prepare themselves by reading 4 titles selected by the organisers, and are asked questions on these books along with general knowledge book questions. Last year we came 6th out of 30 teams. Students get to meet the authors of the books who also attend the event.

Amazing Book Awards

We take part in this Book Awards which is run by a consortium of Worthing schools, with the awards ceremony taking place at Shoreham Academy or Worthing High School. Students taking part get to vote for books to appear on a shortlist, they then read the books and vote for their winning title. We attend the event in June where the students get to hear from the shortlisted authors and the winner is announced. See for more information.
Carnegie Book Awards

This is the most prestigious book award for authors of young fiction. The shortlist is announced in March, and we get a group of students together to read and discuss the titles. This is a fantastic way to introduce students to contemporary quality fiction for young people. See for more information.
World Book Day

Each year we celebrate World Book Day with a variety of activities. We have celebrated with all subjects and tutor groups taking part in book related activities such as decorating our doors, playing Quidditch in PE, Hunger Games activities, puppet making, escape room in the library, as well as having author visits.

Book fairs
We have a termly Scholastic book fair, when we have books for sale. We usually try to book the fair when books are half price, so come and get a bargain!