Careers Service
Our Careers department are on hand to offer one to one appointments or work within the classroom to facilitate understanding about all aspects of moving from school to the working world. Situated in Room 015 on the ground floor, the Careers office is open Tuesday to Friday to offer informed, impartial advice & guidance to all students.
Mrs Marie Harding
Miss Lauren Hadwick
Level 6 Careers Advisor
Certificate in Recruitment Practice
& undertaking L6 Careers Leader
01243 871062
Room 015
Careers Programme
We aim to raise the aspirations of our students by providing experiences and opportunities that encourage them to challenge themselves and think more creatively about their future plans and aspirations. This is achieved in a number of ways, including day trips to Universities and workplaces, enrichment sessions, visitors from the world of work, one to one discussions, mentoring and whole school events. In addition to this we invite employers into school to run workshops on networking, interview techniques, achieving your goals and being successful. We feel it is vital for students to get feedback from the very people they will be facing when they leave school.
Every student in Year 11 and 13 is offered a one-to-one careers interview. During this time, they will be offered guidance on Post 16 Education Options, Apprenticeships, Local and National Labour Market Information and Career Choices. Students in all year groups are free to pop into the Careers office at any time to ask a question, book an appointment or pick up prospectuses or leaflets.
Students can also get advice and guidance on writing CVs, cover letters and personal statements as well as making college and apprenticeship applications.
Our programme of careers education has been developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks, which set out the standards for Careers Guidance in schools and colleges. We review our progress against these standards every term, using a Compass Tool provided by The Careers and Enterprise Company. We are proud to report that we consistently score 100% on all 8 benchmarks.
Vision Statement
To provide an inspiring and innovative program of CIAG, which aims to raise the aspirations of all students. To empower them to make reasoned, informed and appropriate careers choices, which enable them to fulfil their individual potential. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance meets standards suggested by the Gatsby benchmarks.
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
Regis Ten
Our Regis Ten, which form the underpinning ethos of the school, embed employability skills or ‘soft skills’ into the everyday learning experience. We have a holistic approach to students which aims to nurture the individual person and truly encourage them to be the best they can be. Students should leave us knowing all the options available to them and that they have the skills and ability to follow whichever career path they choose.
Widening Participation
We work very closely with our partner Universities and are part of the Widening Participation Programme for Sussex, Brighton, Chichester, Surrey, Southampton, Winchester and Portsmouth Universities. The aim of the initiative is to increase the number of students from under-represented groups participating in higher education. We offer trips to these Universities every year as well as ad hoc visits to other establishments to take tours of the campus, attend open days and conferences and to take part in taster lessons and workshops. Representatives from the Universities regularly visit us in school to attend our Pathways evening and other careers events and to run workshops in class.
Uni Connect
The Regis School is supported by the Uni Connect programme. Their work focuses on local areas where higher education participation is lower than might be expected given the GCSE results of the young people who live there. They offer higher education outreach and provide a platform for wider collaboration.
Uni Connect aims to:
- Reduce the gap in higher education participation between the most and least represented groups
- Support young people to make well-informed decisions about their future education
- Support effective and impactful local collaboration by higher education providers working together with schools, colleges, employers and other partners
- Contribute to a stronger evidence base around ‘what works’ in higher education outreach and strengthen evaluation practice in the sector

We are working to expand database of ex-students. If you would like to register as Alumni, please scan the QR code above to be added to our database. From there you will be able to let us know how you would like to interact with us. Alumni can support us in many ways. You can choose to give as much or as little time as you are comfortable with. Below are some of the ways in which you could support our work here at TRS:
- As a role model or someone who students can look up to
- As a speaker, talking about your career path or sharing your skills and knowledge
- As a careers ambassador by supporting lessons and offering real life examples of subjects in action
- As a mentor, offering students advice and guidance specific to your area of interest
- As a volunteer by taking part in Mock Interview Days or helping with CV writing workshops
We are always keen to invite Alumni into school. If you would like to chat about how you can get involved, please call Marie Harding on 01243 871062
Local Businesses
We have excellent links with a wide range of local businesses, and are always keen to add more contacts to our list. We run regular Business Brunches and Networking meetings to offer students opportunities to meet and interact with people from the world of work. Many businesses who offer apprenticeships or who recruit young people work with us to help identify and nurture students who may become their future workforce. If you are an employer and would like to get involved in any way, please get in touch.
Careers & Enterprise Company
We work closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company who help and support us with our careers provision whilst preparing our students for their future careers. They play a key role in implementing the government’s Careers Strategy ensuring that the Gatsby Benchmarks are in operation. Our Enterprise Coordinator is Sian Lewis and our Enterprise Adviser is Rachael Williams from The West Sussex Growers Association. Both Sian and Rachael work closely with us to ensure that our CIAG offer is of high quality and raises the aspirations of the students in our care.
West Sussex County Council
WSCC careers service offers us 12 days a year to work with potential NEET students in year 11 as part of their Future Me programme. Identified students are supported by Melanie Lush, who is a Level 6 independent careers advisor with many years experience. She can support students on her books until they turn 25.

Careers and Apprenticeships Websites
Below are some useful Careers websites that Teachers, Parents and Students can use to find information about all aspects of CIAG.
Unifrog is the complete destinations platform. The impartial, user-friendly platform allows students to explore pathways and makes it easy for students to write their CVs and personal statements and record their key skills. It brings into one place every apprenticeship, university course and college course in the UK, as well as career opportunities such as free online courses and school leaver programmes.
Start is a free, online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18-year-olds with their future career potential.
UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It’s the centralised service that students use to apply to university. It can be a useful tool for students of all ages to find out about what courses are available for future study.
All the information and tools you need to explore your future career
Make a difference with a career in health. Get all the information you need to take the next step in your career.
Doctors and nurses may be the obvious choices but with 350 choices available they are certainly not the only ones.
This website allows you to watch short video clips of people in a wide range of job sectors.
Aimed at students seeking a graduate career. An excellent resource offering information, advice and opportunities to students and graduates.
GetMyFirstJob is a recruitment platform which offers you a whole new way to find your first Apprenticeships and jobs, with the best employers and training providers.
The official site to discover exciting apprenticeships, explore classroom resources, book free support and meet real apprentices.
Register your profile, search vacancies and apply for an apprenticeship.
We are very proud to offer careers support to students of The Regis School, to see the potential of a young person grow as they achieve their goals is fantastic. The role of the Careers department as one of bringing in employers, universities and others to open doors for students and let the outside world see just what the students of the school have to offer. Marie Harding – Head of Careers
Careers page last reviewed: January 2025
Careers page next review: September 2025