09 February 2021
Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 25th February
Having listened to parental feedback regarding Parent Engagement Days, we have made a decision as a school to move to a more traditional model of parents’ evenings for all year groups, where parents can access short appointments with their child’s subject specialist teacher.
Therefore, I pleased to be able to invite you to attend our Year 11 Virtual Parents’ Evening on Thursday 25th February. To maximise access for all parents and to try to ensure we can secure appointments for all children with their subject specialists, the parents’ evening will take place between the hours of 11:30 and 17:00.
This is an important evening where teachers can share the progress your child is making and provide you with a valuable opportunity to ask questions. I hope that you will be able to join us.
To ensure this runs as smoothly as possible and due to the need for this to take place virtually, the school have invested in a new intuitive and easy to use system. This will enable parents to choose their own appointment times with teachers, ensure you receive an email confirming your appointments once booked and enable you easy access on the day to the video link for those appointments. We are confident this will be an improvement to the previous system and welcome any feedback.
Appointments can be made from Wednesday 10th February and will close on Tuesday 23rd February. Should you need to make any changes after this date please contact our admin team at: schoolcloud@theregisschool.co.uk
Please visit https://theregisschool.schoolcloud.co.uk to book your appointments. A short guide on how to add appointments can be found below. There is also a video link below, which demonstrates how to book, how to attend appointments over video call and information on how to invite another parent/guardian to join your appointment. This video link can be accessed below or by clicking here Parent Guide for Video Appointments.
You will need to login with your child’s details (Student’s First Name, Student’s Surname and Registration Group), and for authentication purposes, this needs to match the school system.
If you do not have access to the internet or a suitable device to access the virtual appointments to make bookings, please contact our admin team at: schoolcloud@theregisschool.co.uk. The admin team can also help and support with any other queries you may have regarding the Year 11 Parents’ Evening.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Joanne Lewis
Vice Principal