Details of the next Pre-Loved Uniform sale can be found at the base of this page.

At The Regis School students are expected to wear the school uniform outlined below.

At The Regis School students are expected to wear the school uniform outlined below. We believe that this creates a sense of identity and belonging and helps to remove the pressure and expense from parents/carers of passing teenage fashions. It also supports the notion that a uniform or dress code is representative of high expectations and standards and a professional environment, thus helping to create an effective learning environment.

Our policy is based on DfE guidelines and also the belief that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • engenders a feeling of belonging
  • is practical and distinctive
  • identifies the children with the school
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion clothing might be)
  • makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance
  • reflects the sense both of community and of diversity that the school takes pride in
  • is regarded as suitable, and good value for money, by most parents
  • reduces opportunities for bullying to occur

If a student fails to attend in full school uniform, contact will be made with home in order that the situation can be rectified. In some circumstances a student may be sent home to change or may be expected to complete their learning in the isolation room.

Uniform Guidelines

  • Years 7-9 - White shirt (long or short sleeve)
  • Years 10-11 – Blue shirt (long or short sleeve)
  • The Regis School branded tie (different for each year group)
  • Knitted v neck long sleeved jumper with sky blue stripe in the neck OR knitted v neck sleeveless jumper with sky blue stripe in the neck.  No other sweatshirt or hoodie is allowed
  • Black business jacket branded with school logo
  • Full length tailored/formal black trousers, with zip and/or buttons at the waist with pockets. Trousers should be loose legged and not contain a stretch material that causes them to be tight to the skin e.g. around the calf or ankle and therefore must be a minimum of 4” diameter at the bottom of the hem. Trousers should be worn with plain black ankle socks, so there is no gap between the socks and bottom of the trouser, maintaining a black silhouette. Trousers should not be denim, canvas, jean, legging or chino style. For clarity, trousers that have a stretch material, that makes them overly fitted and not loose to the leg, so they could be mistaken for a legging or jegging, are not permitted.
  • Plain black school shoes*
  • Plain black ankle socks or black opaque tights
  • An optional black belt, no coloured belts or belts with logo's
  • An optional plain black Hijab, without decoration or tassels, and worn at shoulder length.

Optional – Bespoke branded school skirt (available from our supplier) worn at original length (22") and unaltered in any way

A coat is advised for wet / colder weather. 


*Students are expected to wear plain black leather or polishable school shoes. Students are not permitted to wear footwear such as trainers of any colour (including plain black); plimsolls or canvas shoes; shoes with high heels (greater than 1 inch); platforms; flip flops or sandals; boots of any kind; and any footwear that offers no protection from a health and safety point of view. Students are expected to wear plain ankle socks. These must be plain black, with no colour or pattern permitted. Students may opt to wear black, opaque tights.

If you are unclear of which footwear is suitable, please contact us at the school to avoid unnecessary expenditure.


Students are only permitted to wear one plain stud earring in each ear and a watch. No other jewellery is permissible, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, facial piercings (including nose rings or studs, tongue piercings) multiple piercings or ear stretchers/bars. This upholds health and safety requirements in practical lessons and reduces the risk of precious and sentimental items becoming lost or damaged at school. Clear retainers are not acceptable, and families are asked to consider timing any piercings to take account of this, as students will be asked to remove any jewellery item that is not in line with policy and will be given an automatic sanction. No badges, other than those issued by the school may be worn.


Hairstyles should be smart and in keeping with a formal learning environment. Unacceptable styles include skinhead or punk styles, and whole or partial colouring of an unnatural shade, e.g. blue, bright red and bleached hair. Razor cuts or shaved heads (anything less than grade 1) forming patterns to the scalp, also come into this category.  Plain black or brown hair ties/scrunchies/claw clips or slides are permitted but no other hair accessories are allowed.

Make-up and Nails

A light, natural looking make up is permitted.  Excessive make up is not permissible, including heavy black eye make-up, false lashes, or eyebrow make-up.  All make up must be subtle.  False nails or gel nails are not permitted.  Nail varnish if worn, must be clear.  No tattoos, including temporary tattoos are permitted.

Students who do not follow the guidelines, will be asked to remove non regulation items and if necessary, will be able to borrow the appropriate item from our uniform store. If the student has an item that cannot be easily removed, such as gel nails, they will be asked to work in our study room, until the uniform issue is resolved. If you have any questions about uniform, please contact your child’s tutor or their Head of Year in the first instance.


The Regis School PE kit


  • PE polo shirt
  • Regis branded black PE shorts/skort/leggings/tracksuit bottoms (students can select which they prefer)
  • Trainers
  • Regis branded PE jumper
  • Gumshields


Optional items

  • Nike rain trousers
  • Rain jacket
  • Fleece (unisex)
  • Studded footwear and shin pads
  • Towel
  • Socks (Black and red football length)

A thick polythene bag is useful for wet or muddy kit. 


Current School Uniform and PE kit suppliers for branded items, with school logo:

JW Sports

55 High Street

Bognor Regis

West Sussex

Telephone:  01243 860266

Website: The Regis School – JW Sports

Message from JW Sports, your uniform supplier June 2024.  

Current guidelines from J W Sports regarding uniform purchases can be found HERE

Whilst the above guidance on school uniform and our expectations is not an exhaustive list, it is intended to give sufficient guidance to ensure our students are dressed appropriately for school and we thank our parents/carers for supporting us in this. Should you require any further guidance regarding the school uniform and our expectations please do not hesitate to contact us at the school.

The school also runs a termly 'pre-loved' uniform shop at least once a term.  We welcome donations at any time via Reception or Head of Year, and the dates of opening are publicised on our website and in our newsletter.



If a student arrives without correct uniform or incorrect appearance and refuses to wear school provided uniform or remove make-up / false nails for example, they are likely to either be sent home (under DFE guidance) or learn for the day away from other students. 

We ask that parents check that their children meet our reasonable expectations on a daily basis.


Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

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