
Excellent attendance leads to effective learning and has a significant outcome on the life chances of a young pe
rson. As such, The Regis School places a very high priority on the good attendance and punctuality of all of our students. Every student has a target attendance of 97% which equates to 6 days of absence over the academic year.
We strive to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all students and endeavour to work with students and their families to ensure students attend regularly and are punctual to both school and lessons.
Statistics prove that good attendance leads to better attainment which in turn leads to more opportunities post 16 and beyond.
We therefore:
- Regularly monitor attendance and contact you about any concerns
- Support children with medical conditions by involving our School Health Manager
- Support children who are having difficulties which impact on their attendance by looking for the best person / organisation to support your child
- Reward good attendance
- Refer students who have poor attendance to our Whole School Attendance Lead
- Will not authorise requests for absence in September for any year group, or Years 10 and 11 at any time during the year unless the absences is, in our opinion, for exceptional reasons
Parents/carers have a legal responsibility to ensure regular and punctual attendance.
We therefore ask that parents/carers:
- Inform us of any absence by 8:30am by telephoning the absence line on 01243 865892 and we ask that you return children to school as soon as they can
- Make medical appointments out of school time
- Avoid holidays during term time
- Do not take time off for shopping trips, family events (such as birthdays)
- Encourage their children to attend a minimum of 97%
- Encourage their children to develop resilience and a positive work ethic by not sanctioning absences for minor ailments
Should you wish to discuss any issue about attendance please contact our school Whole School Attendance Lead, Monica Bowen at or on 01243 872119 DDI. Her normal working days are Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
Useful documents:
Attendance Policy
Holiday Form
Advice & Guidance for Illness
New Attendance Rules Parents Need to Know - September 2024