We Cook, we eat - wir kochen und wir essen - on cuisine et on mange!

Sue Garlick / Categories: General

We Cook, we eat - wir kochen und wir essen - on cuisine et on mange!

Since last year our Year 10 languages students have been attending an afternoon club to deepen their knowledge of the foreign language they are studying – French or German. As a treat, on the last Wednesday of the Autumn term the French and German clubs got together to experience the Italian cuisine from Miss Polito and prepare the dessert guided by Miss Jones. They got to taste an authentic carbonara (meaty and vegetarian variations) and prepare and eat warm pain au chocolat. Looking forward to much more languages and fun in the afternoon clubs!

Clubs are held on Wednesdays 3-4pm as follows: French in room 026 with Miss Jones and German in room 028 with Miss Polito. All Year 10s are welcome. Year 9s thinking about taking GCSE Languages are also welcome.

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