RFU Filming at TRS ‘Get Into Rugby’ Promotion
Sue Garlick
/ Categories: General

It has been a very exciting week in PE as England RFU came into the school to film part of their new ‘Get Into Rugby’ promotional video. Students were invited to take part in the day led by an RFU coach, which involved 40 students of differing abilities, across Years 8, 9 and 10 . The visitors got some great footage of our students in game play and in drill scenarios which we look forward to seeing very soon! They were very complimentary of how all students involved actively participated and showed the best versions of themselves throughout the day.
Thank you to all students that were involved, you showed yourselves and the school in a great light! Finally a special well done to Jacob Balchin, Jasmine Shipsides, Summer Riley and Mitchell Newell for coming across extremely well in the post session interviews, you should be proud of yourselves!