Raising Awareness With Every Step - Regis School Water Walkers
Sue Garlick
/ Categories: General
Twenty six students walked 15 miles, Pier to Pier, to raise awareness and funds for children in low-income countries that do not have access to clean water. Walking conditions were perfect but for many this was the furthest they had ever walked in one go. Despite this they didn’t complain and completed the walk from Worthing to Bognor in just seven hours.
The students were motivated to plan and take part in the event when they recognised how lucky they were to have chilled, filtered water on tap in school due to recently installed water fountains. Meanwhile in sub-Saharan Africa women and girls spend 16 million hours collectively collecting drinking water each day! By taking part in the global We Walk For Water event in May the students could join young people in the UK, USA and Canada all taking part in charity walks for the We Movement who provide water and sanitation in low income countries.
The students carried water pots on their head containing two litres of water. These were modelled on the clay pots used in the Indian village to collect water, that Year 12 student, Johan Keijser-Petch, visited as part of the Virgin Atlantic Scholarship in 2016. This enabled the students to really begin to understand what it means to have to collect and carry water each day.
Year 8 student, James Williams said, “The water walk was great fun but at the same time, eye opening.”
Poppy in Year 9 commented, “I learnt how far some people have to walk each day just to get water. It is a painful, long journey and I realised how grateful I am to be able to just turn on a tap.”
Kate in Year 7 said, “this charity walk inspired me to be more resilient and it is great to know I can push myself to do anything.”
Assistant Principal, Mrs Saunders who took part in the walk alongside Kev Robbins, School Counsellor, “It was great to see our students embrace this challenge with determination and positivity. They were resilience personified. A special thank you must go to Bob Parvard from the Rotary Club who drove our support vehicle and all the parents who joined us towards the end to walk us home, it was really very moving.”
The total raised so far stands at close to £1000. £15 provides water for one child for life. If you would like to donate please visit our Virgin Giving page at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/TheRegisSchool15milewaterwalk
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