Sue Garlick
/ Categories: General
Student Report
On the 3rd of February 2020, ten students from The Regis School went to Butlins to help younger students from Primary schools understand the Rights of a Child. The children were all from the Schoolworks Academy which covers 8 Primary schools in our local area. We were providing a day workshop celebrating the peer mediation work they have been doing.
We arrived just in time for lunch which was at PaPa Johns, all the students had, delicious pizza or pasta. After the meals, the 116 Primary school children were sorted into 10 groups with one Rights Respecting Ambassador to lead each group .
One of the best ways to have good communication with other people is getting to know their names. This led to each group playing the name game which is where a person says their name with an action to help people remember it. We did this to learn the children’s names and show Article 7 which is that every person gets to have a name. After that, each group got 4 pictures and some sticky notes to stick where a right was being upheld or not upheld. The final activity we did is that each group chose a poster with an article and had to do two opposite freeze frames, one were the right was being upheld (for example: clean water, safe homes etc.) and one were the right wasn’t being upheld. When all the activities finished, the 10 ambassadors returned to school with Kev and Mrs Robson.
Kev Robbins said “We are really proud of our students this was a great way to show the qualities of our Ambassadors and the work we do at our school. Our students leadership was excellent, with very little preparation time and no knowledge of the primary schools children abilities.”