Learning Platforms
The follow resources are all platforms used by the school to support learning. Teachers help students to further embed, extend or enrich their knowledge using these platforms. All students should be able to access all of the resources below (excluding Hegarty maths – Y11 only).
If there are any issues with accessing these resources or if a student wishes to access work in addition to what has already been set, they should contact their class teacher.

Overview: Bedrock helps students to learn the language they need to succeed in school using a range of interactive activities. It is a modular based programme and students’ complete modules that have identified as suitable for their level (with some stretch). Students are set English homework on Bedrock, and they are expected to complete 2 ‘lessons’ of bedrock per week
Website: https://bedrocklearning.org
How to guide: click here

Overview: Sparx is a learning platform specifically for maths. All students in years 7-11 are set maths homework each week on this platform. The programme is an invaluable resource in helping students to practise the skills they are currently learning in lesson (compulsory homework). It also creates opportunities for them to revisit prior learning, ensuring they can fluently recall skills the learning earlier in the term or year. It can respond to what students show they can master and what they are finding more difficult. It will set future questions on the skills students found more difficult (target homework) enabling them to have regular opportunities to practise and master these skills. Students are expected to complete the compulsory and target homework each week.
Website: www.sparx.co.uk
How to guide: click here

Overview: Oak Academy is a resource hub, full of learning resources for a wide range of subjects. The resources include PowerPoints lessons (some of which including teachers teaching), worksheets, videos, quizzes. They cover a wide range of topics that are studies in school. The resources can be accessed independently if students want to go back over prior learning or catch up on work missed through absence. Teachers sometimes set work from this platform.
Website: https://www.thenational.academy or (KS4) https://continuityoak.org.uk/lessons
How to guide: click here

Overview: Seneca is a learning hub that is designed to support students embed learning. It can be helpful to use when revisiting work when preparing for assessments and exams. Teachers (in some subjects) set Homework from Seneca
Website: www.senecalearning.com
How to guide: click here

Overview: This website is full of resources to support students learning. It is particularly useful if a student wants to revisit learning that they are less confident with or if absent from school and needing to keep up/catch up. The resources include recorded lessons by teachers and support materials such as worksheets and quizzes
Website: https://curriculum.unitedlearning.org.uk/Pupil