PSHCE Curriculum Information
Principles and Purpose of our PSHCE Curriculum
Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHCE) education in our curriculum is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes students need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes can be applied to staying healthy, keeping safe, and being prepared for life and work in modern Britain.
Our PSHCE curriculum covers a range of topics, including many pressing issues facing young people today including mental health, staying safe online, positive relationships and sex education, drugs, alcohol, challenging extremism, careers and financial literacy. Statutory content is covered by learning opportunities for each key stage across the Programme’s three core themes: ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’, as well as education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. Through the delivery of our PSHCE curriculum we aim to have a positive impact for our students in a wide variety of ways, including impacting positively on their physical and mental health, safety, careers, financial capability, and economic wellbeing. As well as developing our students Spirituka, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC), our strong PSHCE curriculum, aims to have a positive impact on both academic attainment and attendance.
At The Regis School, our school ethos is underpinned by UNCRC, and the Rights of the Child are at the core of the PSHCE curriculum, underpinning every lesson that is taught. We want our students to have a strong sense of moral purpose and a commitment to doing what is right; to be kind citizens who actively celebrate and embrace diversity and inclusion.
The following principles have informed the planning of our PSHCE curriculum:
- Entitlement: The PSHCE curriculum meets and exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum. It ensures that students develop a secure knowledge of a range of ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’. The PSHCE curriculum is sequenced so that key issues and risks are re-visited throughout KS3 – KS5 in an age-appropriate manner.
- Coherence: The curriculum takes a thematic approach, where knowledge and skills are acquired and developed over time from KS3 – KS5.
- Mastery: Prior knowledge is regularly revisited throughout the curriculum where it is built upon and applied to new contexts and case study examples. The scheme of work document shows where each lesson fits within the entire curriculum and illustrates how PSHCE skills are secured before moving on. An example of this is how students learn about friendships, trust and consent in year 7 under the topic of ‘relationships’ before they move on to study sexual health, relationships and consent in year 9, followed by sexual abuse and consent which is studied in year 11.
- Adaptability: Whilst PSHCE lessons are carefully sequenced and progress over time, they are also flexible in that we adapt our curriculum sequence or content in response to matters arising in our local context and or nationally. The Team Leader works closely with external agencies and Police links to ensure that the delivery of content is adapted in a way that is most beneficial for students in the time setting they are being taught.
- Representation: A diverse range of people with different backgrounds and situations are encountered within the curriculum which helps students to develop a broad and balanced view of the world around them. The curriculum ensures a fair representation of people from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs to avoid a single story. For example, in the study of ‘Relationships’, students will study this within the context of LGBTQi+ to ensure that a fair representation of society as a whole.
- Education with character: Through lessons that are taught, we aim to develop a set of traits, attributes and behaviours such as: perseverance, resilience and grit; confidence and optimism; motivation, drive and ambition; neighbourliness and community spirit; tolerance and respect; honesty, integrity and dignity; conscientiousness, curiosity and focus. All of which enable our students to confidently face life’s challenges and opportunities, now and in a fast-changing future.
If a parent or guardian of a child in Years 7-11 wishes to withdraw their child from specific sex education then they need to inform Mr Will Knight, Vice Principal on
For more information regarding the curriculum content, ‘what we teach, why it is taught and when’ please view our curriculum maps below.
To access additional learning resources to support students learning in PSHCE, please refer to The PSHE Association website; The DfE’s ‘statutory relationship education’ and ‘RSE and Health education documentation.’