Principal's Welcome

It is with great pleasure and pride that I welcome you to The Regis School.


Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make on their behalf. At TRS, we aim not only to match parents’ expectations of what a school should offer their child, but to exceed them. The School remains 'Ofsted Good' (March 2023) and during their latest visit, the Ofsted Inspectors recognised the school's 'journey of continuing improvement', adding that the school's 'culture and learning environment is aspirational'.  'The school is calm and orderly. Pupils conduct themselves very well in lessons and when moving around the school.  They settle quickly.' 'Pupils are prepared well to succeed academically and to become responsible citizens.'


Our students are happy, hardworking, and kind, our staff are ambitious and dedicated and our governors are loyal and committed. We are proud to be part of United Learning, a group of Academies, Primary and Independent schools, who work together for mutual benefit and whose mission is to bring out ‘the best in everyone’ (students, staff, parents and the wider community); a philosophy we wholeheartedly subscribe to here at The Regis School.

At TRS we encourage students and staff (and parents) to have ‘limitless ambition’ as together we aim to support all students to realise their dreams and aspirations. We do this in many ways but fundamentally by providing an excellent education to all our students, underpinned by a culture of high expectations and standards in all we do. We believe that every child matters and every lesson counts.

TRS is a highly inclusive school that caters for the needs of all students’ academic, personal, and social development. We ensure our most able students are stretched and students with special educational needs are expertly supported so all our students leave school fully prepared for the next stage of their lives, be that university, employment, or further training. As a Rights Respecting School, we not only promote academic success; we hugely value the importance of friendship, fun, personal responsibility, and compassion. We are proud to have been awarded the highest-level Rights Respecting ‘Gold Award’ three times. In addition, we are a Kitemark recognised 'School of Character'; an award given to schools that take an explicit, planned, and reflective approach to the cultivation of character in their pupils. At TRS, we believe in educating the whole child  so when students leave they do so as productive young adults, kind citizens and motivated lifelong learners.

Our PE department is highly celebrated (being a previously well-renowned Sports College) and we have been awarded the ‘Artsmark Gold’; the highest accolade for standards in performing and creative arts. We offer a huge range of extra-curricular activities (64 clubs a week) including after-school and weekend revision sessions, master classes, sports clubs, drama and arts clubs, exhibitions and performances and a multitude of trips throughout the south of England as well as to Europe and beyond.

Our building is extensive, modern, vibrant, and inspiring. All our classrooms have excellent resources and technologies that enable students to learn effectively. Other accommodation includes art and photography studios, a drama production theatre, a music recording studio, ICT suites, breakout spaces for independent learning, state-of-the-art sports and dance facilities and a brand new ‘University style’ academic hub which we open to students every day after school and on Saturday mornings.

An increasing number of parents and carers are now choosing The Regis School for their child’s education,  meaning that we are now over-subscribed in all year groups, highlighting the local confidence in our ability to provide a high class and personalised education for all our students.

I hope you find all the information you need on this website. If you would like to find out more about The Regis School, please contact us and we will be delighted to help. 


Mrs J Lewis




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